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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 2207
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Transitivity of proximinality and norm attaining functionalsNarayana, Darapaneni; Rao, T S S R K
1989Local asymptotic minimax estimation in non-regular caseSamanta, Tapas
2004On a bivariate lack of memory property under binary associative operationRao, B L S P
2004Level-crossing probabilities and first-passage times for linear processesBasak, Gopal K; Remus Ho, Kwok Wak
Nov-2004Clarkson inequalities with several operatorsBhatia, Rajendra; Kittaneh, Fuad
2007A class of dual integral equationsBera, G H; Mandal, B N
2004On the construction of probability distributions for directional dataSengupta, Ashis
2005Bayesian adaptive biased-coin designs for clinical trials with normal responsesAtkinson, Anthony C; Biswas, Atanu
1989Crossings of brownian motion : a semi-martingale approachRajeev, B
1990Characterization of uniform distributions by inequalities of chernoff-TypePurkayastha, Sumitra; Bhandari, Subir Kumar
1992Cesaro uniform integrability and the strong law of large numbersChandra, Tapas Kumar; Goswami, A
1989A stochastic representation of the logarithm of P-values and related resultsChandra, Tapas Kumar
2005A simple test of exponentiality against NWBUE family of life distributionsAnis, M Z; Mitra, M
2004Level-crossing probabilitiesand first-passage times for linear processBasak, Gopal K; Remus Ho, Kwok Wak
2004Identification of polymorphic motifs using probabilistic search using algorithmsBasu, Analabha; Chaudhuri, Probal; Majumder, Partha P
2006A q-analogue of the distance matrix of a treeBapat, R B; Lal, A K; Pati, S
2000Estimation for some stochastic partial differential equationsRao, B L S P
2006Euler class group of a polynomial algebraDas, Mrinal Kanti
Feb-1995A note on the L-class of life distributionsChaudhuri, Gopal
Feb-1991A rotationally symmetric directional distribution : obtained through maximum likelihood characterizationPurkayastha, Sumitra
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 2207