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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 2207
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-1979Relationship between bayes, classical and decision theoretic sufficiencyRoy, K K; Ramamoorthi, R V
Jul-1979On spectra of non-singular transformations and flowsNadkarni, M G
Feb-1979On robustness of designs against incomplete dataGhosh, Subir
Mar-1998Stratigraphic and sedimentologic evolution of the proterozoic siliciclastics in the Southern part of Chhattisgarh and Khariar, Central IndiaDatta, Basudeb
2008Shallow marine and coastal eolian quartz arenites in the neoarchean-palaeoproterozoic karutola formation, Dongargarh Volcano-sedimentary succession, central IndiaChakraborty, Tapan; Sensarma, Sarajit
1992Rose C-a program in C for producing high-quality rose diagramsKutty, T S; Ghosh, Parthasarathi
1963Recent developments in the organization of science in IndiaMahalanobis, P C
1964Priorities in science in underdeveloped countriesMahalanobis, P C
1964Objects of science education in underdeveloped countriesMahalanobis, P C
1969Asian DramaMahalanobis, P C
1981Size distribution of suspended particles-unimodality, symmetry and lognormalityGhosh, J K; Mazumder, B S
2008Gibbs Sampling Based Bayesian Analysis of Mixtures with Unknown Number of ComponentsBhattacharya, Sourabh
2008Goodness-of-fit testing for exponential polynomial growth curvesBhattacharya, Sabyasachi; Basu, Ayanendranath; Bandyopadhyay, Subhadip
2010A survey of cross-validation procedures for model selectionArlot, Sylvain; Celisse, Alain
2008Minimum hellinger distance estimation with lnlier Modi cationPatra, Rohit Kumar; Mandal, Abhijit; Basu, Ayanendranath
2011Bayesian analysis of progressively censored competing risks dataKundu, Debasis; Pradhan, Biswabrata
2011Semiparametric estimation of quality adjusted lifetime distribution in semi-Markov illness–death modelPradhan, Biswabrata; Dewanji, Anup
2011On the distribution of burr with applicationsDasgupta, Ratan
2011Strong consistency of lasso estimatorsChatterjee, A; Lahiri, S N
2013Brownian crossings via regeneration timesRajeev, B; Athreya, K B
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 2207