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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 575
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1991Fuzzy goal programming approach for designing single sampling attribute plans when sample size in fixedChakraborty, T K
1999On quantification of different factets of uncertaintyPal, N R
Jul-1998On making neural network based learning systems robust-
Nov-1992Hamiltonian graphs with minimum no of edges for fault-tolerant topologiesMukhopadhyaya, Krishnendu; Sinha, Bhabani P
2003An efficient k nearest neighbours searching algorithm for a query lineNandy, Subhas C; Das, Sandip; Goswami, Partha P
1996A dynamic neural net to compute convex hullDatta, Amitava; Parui, S K
1991A deadlock communication kernel for loop architecturePramanik, P; Das, P K; Bandyopadhyay, A K; Fay, D Q M
2002Cryptographically significant boolean functions with five valued walsh spectraMaitra, Subhamoy; Sarkar, Palash
2005Construction of high degree resilient S-boxes with improvedGupta, Kishan Chand; Sarkar, Palash
1990Efficiency of discriminant analysis when initial samples are classifed stochasticallyKrishnan, T; Nandy, Subhas C
May-1990Some geometric operations on binary pictures and shape preserving propertiesParui, S K
Jun-1990Pattern recognition techniques in analyzing the effects of thiourea on brain neusecretory cellsPal, Sankar K; Bhattacharyya, Atanu
Aug-1990Optimal circular fit to objects in two and three dimensionsChaudhuri, B B
Dec-1990Index of area coverage of fuzzy image subsets and object extractionPal, Sankar K; Ghosh, Ashish
Mar-1990Fuzzy thresolding-mathematical framework bounds functions and weighted moving average techniqueMurthy, C A; Pal, Sankar K
Aug-1990Fuzzy dynamic clustering algorithmPal, Sankar K
Dec-1990Automatic selection of object enhancement operator with quantitative justification based on fuzzy set theoretic measuresKundu, Malay K; Pal, Sankar K
Jan-1993Optimum circular fit to weighted data in multidimensional spaceChaudhuri, B B; Kundu, P
Oct-1993Fuzzy geometric feature based texture classificationKundu, P; Chaudhuri, B B
Feb-1993Detection and gradation of oriented textureChaudhuri, B B; Kundu, Pulak; Sarkar, Nirupam
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 575