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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 60
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
8-Jan-2001Application of statistics in space endeavour some challengesKasturirangan, Krishnaswamy
28-Apr-2000Development perspectives for the next decade and beyondPant, Krishna Chandra
2-Feb-1999The somatic evolution of cancerBodmer, Walter F
29-Jun-1998Statistics science and societyVenkatachaliah, Manepalli Narayana
31-Mar-1997Conduct of monetary policyC Rangarajan
15-Feb-1996Progress through partnership: the emerging paradigmMashelkar, Raghunath Anant
1-Feb-1995Statistical dynamics of sustainable developmentRao, Udipi Ramachandra
11-Feb-1994Development and higher educationReddy, G Ram
12-Mar-1993The statistical dynamics of turbulenceRoddam, Narasimha
6-Mar-1992Three exciting areas of experimental physical science : high temperature superconductors, metal clusters and super molecules of carbonRao, Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra
13-Feb-1991Changing concepts of atmospheric environmentMitra, Ashesh Prasad
29-Dec-1989Taming of uncertaintyRao, C Radhakrishna
24-Jan-1989Genes and brain circuitsObaid, Siddiqi
14-Jan-1988The fascination of statisticsCox, David Roxbee
5-Mar-1987Uncertainty, randomness and creativityRao, C Radhakrishna
10-Dec-1985Some thoughts on statisticsAnderson, Theodore Wilbur
25-Jan-1985Physical reality and mathematical formNelson, Edward
28-Feb-1983Mahalanobis and contemporary Indian planningChakravarty, Sukhamoy
6-Feb-1982Statistical techniques in astronomyNarlikar, Jayant Vishnu
31-Mar-1981Of human numbers and human needsRamalingaswami, Vulimiri
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 60