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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 60
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
25-Apr-1980The Use of hydrocarbon sourcesVaradarajan, Srinivasan
3-Mar-1979Nutrition in India in current five year plansSukhatme, Pandurang Vasudeo
7-Feb-1978Statistical science : a rigorous pursuit of truthDesai, Morarji Ranchhodji
17-Feb-1977Statistics: a new foundation and methodologyCramér, Harald
11-Feb-1965Importance of genetics for the evolution and breeding of cultivated plantsMüntzing, Arne
30-Dec-1975Economic growth and population : perspectives of the “New home economics"Nerlove, Marc
20-Dec-1974Problems of young people preparing for research work in statisticsNeyman, Jerzy
31-Dec-1973Dimensions of unemployment in IndiaSen, Amartya K
24-Jan-1970Poisons in plants: some biological and human implicationsSynge, Richard Laurence Millington
12-Apr-1966Human genetics and the biological future of manVogel, Friedrich
12-Jan-2012Importance of knowledge in developmentStiglitz, Joseph Eugene
9-Jan-2013Role of higher education in societiesMirrlees, James A
14-Apr-1963Use of fractile graphical method to test the normality distributionLinder, Arthur
12-Feb-1962Statistics: a new tecnology of modern ageFisher, R A
17-Feb-2006Information technology and its impact on science culture and societyZadeh, Lotfi A
7-Mar-2007What is information engineering?Brady, Michael
25-Feb-2008Nanotechnology and its applicationsWelland, Mark E
24-Mar-2009Brain and mindSur, Mriganka
30-Mar-2010Role of science in sustaining progressNarayanan, M K
4-Feb-2011Thrive - not just survive!Pantula, Sastry G
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 60