Dissertations - M Tech (CS) Collection home page

These Dissertations were submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of M TECH (Computer Science) Degree of Indian Statistical Institute

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 528
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2022Coke characterization: Segmentation of pores and constituents from microscopic images of CokeBiswas, Luna
Jul-2021Multi view Subspace Clustering using Good NeighborsGupta, Abhirup
Jun-2023Identifying Drug Resistant miRNAs In CancerDutta, Akash
Jul-2022Contextual Answer ValidationBaksi, Arkadeep
Jul-2020On Search of Highly Nonlinear Boolean FunctionsRoy, Manmatha
Jul-2021Multidimensional Scaling Using Artificial Neural NetworksSil, Partha
Jul-2021Few-Shot Meta Learners for Domain AdaptationGhosh, Surjayan
Jul-2021Rainbow Edge ColoringGhosh, Sudipta
Jul-2021Strategies for User Allocation and Service Placement in Multi-Access Edge ComputingPanda, Subrat Prasad
Jul-2021Pre-Fall Detection by OpenposeSaha, Subhajit
Jul-2021Deep Learning for Classification of COVID-19 Chest CT ScanGhosh, Subhadip
Jul-2021Multi-View Hierarchical Clustering using Optimal TransportGhosh, Sohan
Jul-2021Effectiveness of A* Algorithm for Constrained TilingDey, Rishi
Jul-2021Center-based Robust ClusteringDas, Pranta
Jul-2021Graphs with equal independence and matching numberPatle, Prajyot Subhash
Jul-2021Bibliographic Citation Recommender SystemAshrit, P Omkar
Jul-2021An Attempt to Design a Neural Network Exploiting Biological NeuronsSingh, Neeraj Kumar
Jul-2021Occupation GamesMohamed, Mohamed Anas Noor
Jul-2021Asynchronous Methods in Gradient DescentGhosh, Koushik
Jul-2021Deep learning for COVID-19 lung pathology segmentationBedi, Gurdit Singh
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 528