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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 213
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1990Anthropometric variation in india: A statistical appraisalMajumder, Partha P; Uma Shankar, B; Basu, Amitabha; Malhotra, K C
1997The velocity and acceleration of length growth of a fresh water major carp of India:Catla catla spawaned in two rearing conditionsBasu, T K; Bhattacharya, B
2001Population structure and patterns of quantitative variation among the gokas of southern andhra pradesh, IndiaReddy, B Mohan; Pfeifer, Alexa; Crawford, Michael H; Langsiteh, Banrida T
1999Fermat's two squares theorem revisitedBagchi, Bhaskar
2002Evaluation of expected absolute error affecting the maximum specific growth rate for random relative error of cell concentrationBhattacharya, S; Sengupta, A; Basu, T K
2001Photosynthesis and water-use efficiency of some mangroves from sundarbansNandy, P; Ghosh, M
2002Toxin producing plankton may act as a biological control for planktonic blooms field study and mathematical modellingChattopadhyay, J; Sarkar, Ram Rup; Mandal, S
2003Effect of viral infection on the generalised gause model of predator prey systemChattopadhyay, J; Mukhopadhyay, A; Roy, P K
2002Pelican at risk in salton sea- a delay induced eco-epidemiological modelBairagi, N; Chattopadhyay, J
2002SWORDS : a statistical tool for analyzing large DNA sequencesChaudhuri, P; Das, S
2003Words in DNA sequences : some case studies based on their frequency statisticsBasu, Srabashi; Chaudhuri, Probal; Burma, Debi Prasad
2003Occurrence of planktonic blooms under environmental fluctuations and its possible control mechanism-mathematical models and experimental observationsSarkar, Ram Rup; Chattopadhyay, J
2003Forest structure and species distribution along soil salinity and PH gradiant in mangrove swamps of the sudarbansJoshi, H; Ghosh, M
2005Birth weight among Tibetans at different altitudes in India:Are tibetans better protected from IUGR?Tripathy, Vikal; Gupta, R
2005Economic variation and nutritional status : a microlevel study among tribal population in rural West BengalMondal, B; Chattopadhyay, M; Gupta, R
2006Global patterns in human microchondrial DNA and y-chromosome variation caused by spatial instability of the local cultural processesKumar, Vikrant; Langsiteh, Banrida T; Madahvi, K V; Naidu, V M; Singh, H P; Biswas, S; Thangaraj, Kumarasamy; Singh, Lalji; Ready, B M
2006Antiquity,geographic contiguity and generic affinity among Tibeto-burman populations of India:a microsatellite studyKrithika, S; Trivedi, R; Kashyap, V K; Bharati, P; Vasulu, T S
2005Genetic diversity at 15 microsatellite loci among the Adi Pasi population of Adi tribal cluster in Arunachal pradeshKrithika, S; Trivedi, R; Kashyap, V K; Vasulu, T S
2005Chaos to order:Role of toxin producing phytoplankton in aquatic systemUpadhyay, R K; Chattopadhyay, J
2005Role of two toxin producing plankton and their effect on phytoplankton -zooplankton system -a mathematical study supported by experimental findingsSarkar, Ram Rup; Pal, S; Chattopadhyay, J
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 213