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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 55
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-1928Statistical methods in engineering problemsShewhart, W A
6-Dec-1935Some basic principles for interpreting specifications of qualityShewhart, W A
Jan-1919Role played by generalizations in laboratory physicsShewhart, W A
Jun-1929Presentation of information given by a set of dataShewhart, W A
5-Apr-1949Preference study # 1 - case 38138-4Shewhart, W A
Aug-1922On the measurement of a physical quantity whose magnitude is influenced by primary causes beyond the control of the observer and on the method of determining the relation between two such quantitiesShewhart, W A
1929Measurement of qualityShewhart, W A
Oct-1935Inherent qualityShewhart, W A
22-Aug-1949Handling of patentable ideas : a preference study-case 38138Shewhart, W A
Mar-1931Applications of statistical method in engineeringShewhart, W A
1936Some comments on the practical significance of tests for significanceShewhart, W A
16-Mar-1936Significant differences in qualityShewhart, W A
Nov-1928Significance of an observed rangeShewhart, W A
Sep-1935Nature and origin of standards of qualityShewhart, W A
1933Inspection engineeringShewhart, W A
Feb-1926Finding causes of quality variationsShewhart, W A
1936Application of statistical theory in testing hypothesesShewhart, W A
13-Oct-1939Application of methods of statistical analysis to company standardization workShewhart, W A
Jul-1933Annual survey of statistical technique : sampling theoryShewhart, W A
Mar-1946Advancing statistical frontShewhart, W A
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 55