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Title: Chords in a Longest Cycle of a 3-Connected Graph
Authors: Chaudhary, Deepak
Keywords: Lollipop Method
Cubic graphs
Thomason’s model
Issue Date: Jul-2021
Citation: 18p.
Series/Report no.: Dissertation;;CS-1918
Abstract: In 1976, Carsten Thomassen conjectured that no longest cycle in a 3-connected graph can be a chordless cycle. Although this conjecture was later proved for some special classes of graphs, the general case remains open. In this work, we study how Thomason’s Lollipop Method was used by Thomassen to verify this conjecture for cubic graphs.
Description: Dissertation under the supervision of Dr. Mathew C. Francis
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - M Tech (CS)

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