Throughout this talk k will denote a field. The talk is primarily divided into
two parts. In the first part we will discuss one of the formidable open problems in
the area of Affine Algebraic Geometry, called the Epimorphism Problem.
Question 1. If k[X1,...,Xn]
(H) = k[n−1], then is k[X1, . . . , Xn] = k[H][n−1]?
For n = 2, the answer to above question is affirmative when k is a field of
characteristic zero. This result is known as the Epimorphism Theorem proved by
Abhyankar-Moh and independently by Suzuki. However, in positive characteristic
there are counter examples due to Segre-Nagata. The famous Abhyankar-Sathaye
conjecture asserts affirmative answer to Question 1 for n ⩾ 3 over fields of char-
acteristic zero. So far we only have partial answers to this conjecture. The first
affirmative result for n = 3 is due to Sathaye for linear planes over fields of char-
acteristic zero. Later, Russell extended this result over fields of arbitrary character-
istic. In this talk we consider the following varieties. Let m a positive integer, V
an affine subvariety of Am+3 defined by a linear relation of the form xr1
1 · · · xrm
m y =
F (x1, . . . , xm, z, t), A the coordinate ring of V and G = Xr1
1 · · · Xrm
m Y −F (X1, . . . , Xm, Z, T ).
We name these varieties as “Generalised Asanuma varieties”. Earlier, Gupta had
studied the case m = 1, and had obtained several necessary and sufficient con-
ditions for V to be isomorphic to the affine 3-space and G to be a coordinate in
k[X1, Y, Z, T ]. We study the general higher-dimensional variety V for each m ⩾ 1
and obtain analogous conditions for V to be isomorphic to Am+2 and G to be a
coordinate in k[X1, . . . , Xm, Y, Z, T ], under a certain hypothesis on F . Our main
theorem immediately yields a family of higher-dimensional linear hyperplanes for
which the Abhyankar-Sathaye Conjecture holds.
We also describe the isomorphism classes and automorphisms of integral do-
mains of the type A under certain conditions. These results show that for each
d ⩾ 3, there is a family of infinitely many pairwise non-isomorphic rings which are
counterexamples to the Zariski Cancellation Problem for dimension d in positive
We further give complete description of two important invariants called Makar-
Limanov and Derksen invariants of a certain subfamily of Generalised Asanuma
In the second part of this talk we discuss about another major problem called
the Cancellation Problem which investigates the following:
Question 2. Let D and E be two affine domains over a field k such that D[1] =k E[1].
Does this imply D ∼=k E?
The answer to Question 2 is affirmative for one dimensional affine domains.
This result is due to Abhyankar, Eakin and Heinzer. However, there are coun-
terexamples in dimensions greater than or equal to two. Danielewski constructed
a family of two dimensional pairwise non-isomorphic smooth complex varieties
which are counterexamples to the Cancellation Problem. A. J. Crachiola further
extended Danielewski’s examples over arbitrary characteristic. Dubouloz con-
structed higher dimensional (⩾ 2) analogues of the Danielewski varieties over the
field of complex numbers, which are counterexamples to this problem. Over fields
of arbitrary characteristic, we establish an infinite family of a higher dimensional
varieties which are pairwise non-isomorphic and are counter examples to the Can-
cellation Problem. Moreover, this family accommodates the counter examples due
to Dubouloz over C.