Modern French theatre from Giraudoux to Beckett. [electronic resource] In collaboration with June Beckelman.
Material type:
- 842.9109
- PQ556 .G8
- 24.11
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction: Theatre resurgent -- pt. 1. A theatre of the supernatural: Theatre as proposition: Jean Giraudoux -- The double game: Jean Cocteau -- The universe as parable: Paul Claudel -- pt. 2. Back to man: The agony of solitary souls: Henry de Montherlant -- From anguish to play: Jean Anouilh and Armand Salacrou -- Man and his acts: Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus -- pt. 3. Revolution continued: Poetry and discovery -- A world out of control: Eugène Ionesco -- Existence on stage: Samuel Beckett -- Conclusion: The gaping mask.
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