Pope and his contemporaries, [electronic resource] essays presented to George Sherburn. Edited by James L. Clifford and Louis A. Landa.
Material type:
- 820.4
- 622
- PR442 .C6
- Also issued online.
"A list of the writings of George Sherburn": p. [260]-262.
The gloom of the Tory satirists / Louis I. Bredvold -- "Wit and poetry and Pope": some observations on his imagery / Maynard Mack -- 'A master key to Popery' / John Butt -- Pope's 'Epistle to Harley': an analysis / Geoffrey Tillotson -- Pope and the sister arts / Robert J. Allen -- Pope and deism (The Dunciad, iv. 459-92) / Arthur Friedman -- The background of the attack on science in the age of Pope / R.F. Jones -- Swift's early biographers / Harold Williams -- Swift's supposed ingratitude toward his Uncle Godwin: a surmise / Arthur E. Case -- Swift's mechanical operation of the spirit / James L. Clifford -- The manuscript of Swift's sermon on brotherly love / Herbert Davis -- Swift's deanery income: a new document / Louis A. Landa -- Some aspects of Defoe's prose / Bonamy Dobrée -- The songs in Steele's plays / Rae Blanchard -- John Gay / James Sutherland -- Ethics and political history in Thomson's Liberty / Alan Dugald McKillop -- The first history of English poetry / James M. Osborn -- Pope and our contemporaries / Joseph Wood Krutch.
Also issued online.
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