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The portable Elizabethan reader, [electronic resource] edited, & with an introduction, by Hiram Haydn.

By: Material type: TextTextSeries: The Viking portable libraryPublication details: New York, Viking Press, 1946.Description: xvi, 688 p. 18 cmSubject(s): DDC classification:
  • 820.82
LOC classification:
  • PR1125 .H35
Online resources: Available additional physical forms:
  • Also issued online.
New horizons. Prologue. A meeting in hell / John Donne.
New horizons. Across the Atlantic. To the Virginian voyage / Michael Drayton -- The death of Sir Humphrey Gilbert ; Search for the Northwest Passage / Richard Hakluyt -- The discovery of Guiana / Sir Walter Ralegh -- Work for chimney-sweeps : a warning against tobacco / J. H. -- Montaigne and the noble savage / John Florio.
New horizons. The upheaval in the heavens. In support of Copernicus / Thomas Digges.
New horizons. The upheaval in the heavens. Portents in the sky. In the shadow of the great year / Robert Ashley -- The approaching end / John Norden -- Nature, the queen of change / Fulke Greville -- New philosophy calls all in doubt / John Donne -- These late eclipses / William Shakespeare -- The stars' distemperature disproved / Thomas Nashe -- The reign of law / Richard Hooker.
New horizons. The upheaval in the heavens. On looking through a telescope, Galileo and Hariot. The man in the moon / Sir William Lower -- The mathematical professor at Padua / Sir Henry Wotten -- The perspective cylinder / Sir William Lower -- Venus and the "worthy astrologer" / Sir Walter Ralegh.
New horizons. An inquiry into the nature of man. Montaigne on repentance / John Florio -- New fashions in morals / Gabriel Harvey.
New horizons. The new learning. The schoolmaster / Roger Ascham -- Revolution at Cambridge / Gabriel Harvey -- The diseases and humours of learning ; Salomon's house / Francis Bacon.
The dream of power. Empire and the shadow of Machiavelli. The best iron in the world ; Of the true greatness of kingdoms ; Of boldness / Francis Bacon -- The cult of virtù / Gabriel Harvey.
The dream of power. Blood and vengeance. The sacking of Babylon / Christopher Marlowe -- The vengeance of Cutwolf / Thomas Nashe.
The dream of power. The lure of magic. The tragical history of Dr. Faustus / Christopher Marlowe -- Dr. Dee and the spirits / John Dee -- Black magic / Sir Walter Ralegh -- Witches, incubi and skepticism / Reginald Scot.
The rise of Protestantism. The death of Ridley and Latimer / John Foxe -- English book of common prayer. Daily devotionals -- The authorized version of the Bible. The wooing of Rebekah ; Jew or Gentile ; The prodigal son ; Mary Magdalene at the sepulcher -- Of the laws of the universe / Richard Hooker -- Corruption and redemption / John Donne.
The creed of the court. The perfect courtier. The president of chivalry : Sir Philip Sidney. The quarrel on the tennis court ; Thy need is greater than mine ; Death / Fulke Greville -- Elizabeth's Essex / Sir Robert naunton -- How a gallant should behave himself in a playhouse / Thomas Dekker.
The creed of the court. The religion of beauty in women. The faerie queene : the author's introduction / Edmund Spenser -- Astrophel and Stella / Sir Philip Sidney.
The common man. In praise of the artisan / Gabriel Harvey -- The shoemaker's holiday / Thomas Dekker.
The common man. Broadside ballads. A song between the queen's majesty and England / William Birche -- A new courtly sonnet, of the lady Greensleeves -- A proper new song made by a student in Cambridge / Thomas Richardson -- As you came from the holy land of Walsingham / Thomas Deloney -- Mary Ambree / William Elderton.
The common man. I caught the bird / Thomas Nashe.
The well of the past. Meditiations on history / Sir Walter Ralegh -- from Homer's Iliad. Achiles prepares for battle ; Priam begs for the body of Hector / George Chapman -- Antony's flight ; Cleopatra's death / Sir Thomas North -- The battle of Agincourt / Raphael Holinshead -- The Wars of the Roses / Edward hall.
An age of song. An apology for poetry / Sir Philip Sidney -- Sonnets and lyrics. Whoso list to hunt ; To a lady, to answer directly ; The lover showeth ; Forget not yet ; Blame not my lute ; The lover complaineth / Sir Thomas Wyatt -- When i was fair and young / Elizabeth -- To Elizabeth. Change thy mind ; To plead my faith ; A passion / Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex -- Poems. A description of love ; A vision upon this conceit of the faerie queene ; Nymph's reply ; To his son ; Nature, that washed her hands ; The lie ; The passionate man's pilgrimage / Sir Walter Ralegh -- The bower of bliss ; Epithalamion / Edmund Spenser -- Songs. A sweet lullaby ; Say that I should say ; Philida and Coridon ; An odd conceit / Nicolas Breton -- Songs. Sephestia's song ; The shepherd's wife's song ; Sweet are the thoughts ; Philomela's ode / Robert Greene -- Songs. Rosalind's madrigal ; My mistress when she goes ; Phillis / Thomas Lodge -- Dowsabell ; Sonnets / Michael Drayton -- Fifteen songs. My love bound me ; What if a day ; My sweetest Lesbia ; When to her lute ; Follow your saint ; Thou art not fair ; The man of life upright ; Hark, all you ladies ; Rose-cheeked Laura ; I care not for these ladies ; Now winter nights enlarge ; Never love unless you can ; There is a garden ; Young and simple though I am ; Fain would I wed / Thomas Campion -- Lyrics. Epitaph on Elizabeth, L. H. ; Why I write not of love ; Song to Celia (1) ; Song to Celia (2) ; His excuse for loving ; Her triumph ; Beggin another kiss ; The plant and flower of light ; To Cynthia ; If I freely may discover ; Still to be neat / Ben Johnson -- Poems. Song ; The sun rising ; A lecture upon the shadow ; The ecstasy ; To his mistress on going to bed ; The undertaking ; The relic ; The anniversary / John Donne -- Sonnets. At the round earth's imagined corners ; Death, be not proud / John Donne -- Poems. Good Friday ; Hymn to God the Father / John Donne.
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"Biographical notes": p. xiv-xvi.

New horizons. Prologue. A meeting in hell / John Donne.

New horizons. Across the Atlantic. To the Virginian voyage / Michael Drayton -- The death of Sir Humphrey Gilbert ; Search for the Northwest Passage / Richard Hakluyt -- The discovery of Guiana / Sir Walter Ralegh -- Work for chimney-sweeps : a warning against tobacco / J. H. -- Montaigne and the noble savage / John Florio.

New horizons. The upheaval in the heavens. In support of Copernicus / Thomas Digges.

New horizons. The upheaval in the heavens. Portents in the sky. In the shadow of the great year / Robert Ashley -- The approaching end / John Norden -- Nature, the queen of change / Fulke Greville -- New philosophy calls all in doubt / John Donne -- These late eclipses / William Shakespeare -- The stars' distemperature disproved / Thomas Nashe -- The reign of law / Richard Hooker.

New horizons. The upheaval in the heavens. On looking through a telescope, Galileo and Hariot. The man in the moon / Sir William Lower -- The mathematical professor at Padua / Sir Henry Wotten -- The perspective cylinder / Sir William Lower -- Venus and the "worthy astrologer" / Sir Walter Ralegh.

New horizons. An inquiry into the nature of man. Montaigne on repentance / John Florio -- New fashions in morals / Gabriel Harvey.

New horizons. The new learning. The schoolmaster / Roger Ascham -- Revolution at Cambridge / Gabriel Harvey -- The diseases and humours of learning ; Salomon's house / Francis Bacon.

The dream of power. Empire and the shadow of Machiavelli. The best iron in the world ; Of the true greatness of kingdoms ; Of boldness / Francis Bacon -- The cult of virtù / Gabriel Harvey.

The dream of power. Blood and vengeance. The sacking of Babylon / Christopher Marlowe -- The vengeance of Cutwolf / Thomas Nashe.

The dream of power. The lure of magic. The tragical history of Dr. Faustus / Christopher Marlowe -- Dr. Dee and the spirits / John Dee -- Black magic / Sir Walter Ralegh -- Witches, incubi and skepticism / Reginald Scot.

The rise of Protestantism. The death of Ridley and Latimer / John Foxe -- English book of common prayer. Daily devotionals -- The authorized version of the Bible. The wooing of Rebekah ; Jew or Gentile ; The prodigal son ; Mary Magdalene at the sepulcher -- Of the laws of the universe / Richard Hooker -- Corruption and redemption / John Donne.

The creed of the court. The perfect courtier. The president of chivalry : Sir Philip Sidney. The quarrel on the tennis court ; Thy need is greater than mine ; Death / Fulke Greville -- Elizabeth's Essex / Sir Robert naunton -- How a gallant should behave himself in a playhouse / Thomas Dekker.

The creed of the court. The religion of beauty in women. The faerie queene : the author's introduction / Edmund Spenser -- Astrophel and Stella / Sir Philip Sidney.

The common man. In praise of the artisan / Gabriel Harvey -- The shoemaker's holiday / Thomas Dekker.

The common man. Broadside ballads. A song between the queen's majesty and England / William Birche -- A new courtly sonnet, of the lady Greensleeves -- A proper new song made by a student in Cambridge / Thomas Richardson -- As you came from the holy land of Walsingham / Thomas Deloney -- Mary Ambree / William Elderton.

The common man. I caught the bird / Thomas Nashe.

The well of the past. Meditiations on history / Sir Walter Ralegh -- from Homer's Iliad. Achiles prepares for battle ; Priam begs for the body of Hector / George Chapman -- Antony's flight ; Cleopatra's death / Sir Thomas North -- The battle of Agincourt / Raphael Holinshead -- The Wars of the Roses / Edward hall.

An age of song. An apology for poetry / Sir Philip Sidney -- Sonnets and lyrics. Whoso list to hunt ; To a lady, to answer directly ; The lover showeth ; Forget not yet ; Blame not my lute ; The lover complaineth / Sir Thomas Wyatt -- When i was fair and young / Elizabeth -- To Elizabeth. Change thy mind ; To plead my faith ; A passion / Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex -- Poems. A description of love ; A vision upon this conceit of the faerie queene ; Nymph's reply ; To his son ; Nature, that washed her hands ; The lie ; The passionate man's pilgrimage / Sir Walter Ralegh -- The bower of bliss ; Epithalamion / Edmund Spenser -- Songs. A sweet lullaby ; Say that I should say ; Philida and Coridon ; An odd conceit / Nicolas Breton -- Songs. Sephestia's song ; The shepherd's wife's song ; Sweet are the thoughts ; Philomela's ode / Robert Greene -- Songs. Rosalind's madrigal ; My mistress when she goes ; Phillis / Thomas Lodge -- Dowsabell ; Sonnets / Michael Drayton -- Fifteen songs. My love bound me ; What if a day ; My sweetest Lesbia ; When to her lute ; Follow your saint ; Thou art not fair ; The man of life upright ; Hark, all you ladies ; Rose-cheeked Laura ; I care not for these ladies ; Now winter nights enlarge ; Never love unless you can ; There is a garden ; Young and simple though I am ; Fain would I wed / Thomas Campion -- Lyrics. Epitaph on Elizabeth, L. H. ; Why I write not of love ; Song to Celia (1) ; Song to Celia (2) ; His excuse for loving ; Her triumph ; Beggin another kiss ; The plant and flower of light ; To Cynthia ; If I freely may discover ; Still to be neat / Ben Johnson -- Poems. Song ; The sun rising ; A lecture upon the shadow ; The ecstasy ; To his mistress on going to bed ; The undertaking ; The relic ; The anniversary / John Donne -- Sonnets. At the round earth's imagined corners ; Death, be not proud / John Donne -- Poems. Good Friday ; Hymn to God the Father / John Donne.

Also issued online.

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