Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)Library,Documentation and Information Science Division
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345.0247 Head, William C. 101 ways to avoid a drunk driving conviction / by William C. Head and Reese I. Joye, Jr. - Atlanta, Ga. : Maximar Pub., c1991. x, 184, [124] p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Content notes : An introduction to drunk driving cases -- Before any drinking begins: plan and prepare -- During the drinking phase -- The driving phase -- Being stopped -- Tests for blood alcohol content (BAC) -- At the police stations: being booked and getting an independent test -- Assisting your attorney in defending your case -- Pretrial motions and maneuvers -- Trial strategies and maneuvers -- Appeal and post-appeal issues. * Drunk driving - Popular works. - United States Defense (Criminal procedure) - Popular works. - United States * Joye, Reese I. * Title