Kaniut, Larry.
Alaska bear tales / Larry Kaniut. -
Anchorage, Alaska : Alaska Northwest Pub. Co., c1983.
vi, 318 p. ; 22 cm.
Includes index.
Content notes : Brownie (Grizzley is big and tough -- They'll attack without warning -- They're unpredictable -- Some will charge, some will bluff -- they'll really maul you -- They will kill -- Which is the tougher? -- Come quick! I'm beging eaten by a bear! -- A boy is blinded -- Nanook - the ice bear -- Some are plain nuisances -- They can be funny -- Some tales are odd, some are just tall -- You do a lot of thinking -- What the doctors say -- A few rules - plenty of caution and common sense -- Some final advice -- Ursulaneous -- Bear's future in Alaska -- Alaskan bear harvest reports.
0882402323 (pbk.) 9780882402321 (pbk.)
* Bears. Bear hunting - Alaska. Dangerous animals - Alaska. Mammals - Alaska.