Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)Library,Documentation and Information Science Division
“A research journal serves that narrow
borderland which separates the known from the unknown”
808.81/04 Another republic : 17 European and South American writers : [poems] / edited by Charles Simic and Mark Strand. - New York : Ecco Press, 1976. 247 p. ; 24 cm. Content notes : Francis Ponge -- Henri Michaux -- Jean Follain -- Zbigniew Herbert -- Julio Cortázar -- Fernando Pessoa -- Octavio Paz -- Yehuda Amichai -- Johannes Bobrowski -- Czeslaw Milosz -- Nicanor Parra -- Carlos Drummond de Andrade -- Paul Celan -- Miroslav Holub -- Yannis Ritsos -- Vasko Popa -- Italo Calvin. 0912946288 9780912946283 * Literature, Modern - Translations into English. - 20th century * Simic, Charles,Strand, Mark, * Title