Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)Library,Documentation and Information Science Division
“A research journal serves that narrow
borderland which separates the known from the unknown”
813.0822 813.0108 The best American short stories, 1990 / selected from U.S. and Canadian magazines by Richard Ford with Shannon Ravenel ; with an introduction by Richard Ford. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1990. xxii , 374 p. ; 22 cm. Contributors notes: p. [343]-356. "100 other distinguished stories of 1989": p. [357]-360. "Editorial addresses of American and Canadian magazines publishing short stories": p. [361]-374. Content notes : 0395515963 : $19.95 9780395515969 039551617X (pbk.) 9780395516171 (pbk.) * Short stories, American. American fiction - 20th century. * Ford, Richard.Ravenel, Shannon. * Title