Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)Library,Documentation and Information Science Division
“A research journal serves that narrow
borderland which separates the known from the unknown”
392/.12 Birth, an anthology of ancient texts, songs, prayers, and stories / edited by David Meltzer. - San Francisco : North Point Press, 1981. 247 p., [1] leaf of plates : ill. ; 24 cm. Content notes : Creation myths and fabulous births -- Conception lore -- Magical protection of mothers and babies from disaster -- Pregnancy -- Birth -- Events after birth, naming, baptizing. 0865470049 : $17.50 9780865470040 0865470057 (pbk.) 9780865470057 (pbk.) * Birth customs. Childbirth - Folklore. Folklore. Labor, Obstetric. Infant, Newborn. Kraamgebruiken. Naissance - Rites et coutumes. * Meltzer, David. * Title