Bernal, Martin.
Black Athena : the Afroasiatic roots of classical civilization / Martin Bernal. -
New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, 1987-
v. <1-3> : ill. ; 24 cm.
Content notes : v. 1. The fabrication of ancient Greece, 1785-1985 -- v. 2. The archaeological and documentary evidence -- v. 3. The linguistic evidence. Volume 1: Fabrication Of Ancient Greece, 1785-1985 -- Preface and acknowledgments -- Transcription and phonetics -- Maps and charts -- Chronological table -- Introduction -- Background -- Proposed historical outline -- Black Athena, Volume 1: Summary of the argument -- Greece European or Levantine? the Egyptian and West Semitic components of Greek civilization / Summary of Volume 2 -- Solving the riddle of the Sphinx and other studies in Egypto-Greek mythology / Summary of Volume 3 -- 1: Ancient Model In Antiquity -- Pelasgians -- Ionians -- Colonization -- Colonizations in Greek tragedy -- Herodotos -- Thucydides -- Isokrates and Plato -- Aristotle -- Theories of colonization and later borrowing in the Hellenistic world -- Plutarch's attack on Herodotos -- Triumph of Egyptian religion -- Alexander son of Ammon -- 2: Egyptian Wisdom And Greek Transmission From The Dark Ages To The Renaissance -- Murder of Hypatia -- Collapse of Egypto-Pagan religion -- Christianity, stars and fish -- Relics of Egyptian religion: Hermeticism, Neo-Platonism and Gnosticism -- Hermeticism-Greek, Iranian, Chaldaean or Egyptian? -- Hermeticism and Neo-Platonism under early Christianity, Judaism and Islam -- Hermeticism in Byzantium and Christian Western Europe -- Egypt in the Renaissance -- Copernicus and Hermeticism -- Hermeticism and Egypt in the 16th century -- 3: Triumph Of Egypt In The 17th And 18th Centuries -- Hermeticism in the 17th century -- Rosicrucianism: Ancient Egypt in Protestant countries -- Ancient Egypt in the 18th century -- 18th century: China and the Physiocrats -- 18th century: England, Egypt and the Freemasons -- France, Egypt and 'progress': the quarrel between Ancients and moderns -- Mythology as allegory for Egyptian science -- Expedition to Egypt -- 4: Hostilities To Egypt In The 18th Century -- Christian reaction -- Triangle: Christianity and Greece against Egypt -- Alliance between Greece and Christianity -- Progress against Egypt -- Europe as the 'progressive' continent -- Progress -- Racism -- Romanticism -- Ossian and Homer -- Romantic Hellenism -- Winckelmann and Neo-Hellenism in Germany -- Gottingen -- 5: Romantic Linguistics: The Rise Of India And The Fall Of Egypt, 1740-1880 -- Birth of Indo-European -- Love affair with Sanskrit -- Schlegelian romantic linguistics -- Oriental renaissance -- Fall of China -- Racism in the early 19th century -- What colour were the ancient Egyptians? -- National renaissance of modern Egypt -- Dupuis, Jomard and Champollion -- Egyptian monotheism or Egyptian polytheism -- Popular perceptions of Ancient Egypt in the 19th and 20th centuries -- Elliot Smith and 'diffusionism' -- Jomard and the mystery of the Pyramids -- 6: Hellenomania, 1: The Fall Of The Ancient Model, 1790-1830 -- Friedrich August Wolf and Wilhelm von Humboldt -- Humboldt's educational reforms -- Philhellenes -- Dirty Greeks and the Dorians -- Transitional figures, 1: Hegel and Marx -- Transitional figures, 2: Heeren -- Transitional figures, 3: Barthold Niebuhr -- Petit-Radel and the first attack on the ancient model -- Karl Otfried Muller and the overthrow of the ancient model -- 7: Hellenomania, 2: Transmission Of The New Scholarship To England And The Rise Of The Aryan Model, 1830-60 -- German model and educational reform in England -- George Grote -- Aryans and Hellenes -- 8: Rise And Fall Of The Phoenicians, 1830-85 -- Phoenicians and anti-Semitism -- What race were the Semites? -- Linguistic and geographical inferiorities of the Semites -- Arnolds -- Phoenicians and English, 1: the English view -- Phoenicians and English, 2: the French view -- Salammbo -- Moloch -- Phoenicians in Greece: 1820-80 -- Gobineau's image of Greece -- Schliemann and the discovery of the 'Mycenaeans' -- Babylon -- 9: Final Solution of the Phoenician Problem, 1885-1945 -- The Greek renaissance -- Salomon Reinach -- Julius Beloch -- Victor Berard -- Akhenaton and the Egyptian renaissance -- Arthur Evans and the 'Minoans' -- Peak of anti-Semitism, 1920-39 -- 20th-century Aryanism -- Taming the alphabet: the final assault on the Phoenicians -- 10: Post-War Situation: The Return To The Broad Aryan Model, 1945-85 -- Post-war situation -- Developments in classics, 1945-65 -- Model of autochthonous origin -- East Mediterranean contacts -- Mythology -- Language -- Ugarit -- Scholarship and the rise of Israel -- Cyrus Gordon -- Astour and Hellenosemitica -- Astour's successor?-J C Billigmeier -- Attempt at compromise: Ruth Edwards -- Return of the Iron Age Phoenicians -- Naveh and the transmission of the alphabet -- Return of the Egyptians? -- Revised ancient model -- Conclusion -- Appendix: Were the Philistines Greek? -- Notes -- Glossary -- Bibliography -- Index. Volume 2: Archaeological And Documentary Evidence -- Preface and acknowledgements -- Transcription and phonetics -- Chronological tables -- Introduction -- Intrinsic reasons for preferring the revised ancient model to the Aryan one -- Some theoretical considerations -- Summary of the argument -- 1: Crete Before The Palaces, 7000-2100 BC -- Diffusionist and isolationist debate -- Crete before the 21st century BC -- Cretan religion in the early Bronze age -- Conclusion -- 2: Egypt's Influence On Boiotan And The Peloponnese In The 3rd Millennium, 1: The Cultic, Mythical And Legendary Evidence -- Semele and Alkmene -- Athena and Athens in Boiotia: the cults of Athena Itonia and Athena Alalkomena -- Neit, the controller of water -- Battles between Neit and Seth, Athena and Poseidon -- Poseidon / Seth -- Neit / Athena and Nephthys / Erinys -- Herakles -- Conclusion -- 3: Egypt's Influence On Boiotia And The Peloponnese In The 3rd millennium, II: The Archaeological Evidence -- Spartan archaeological : the tomb of Alkmene -- Tomb of Amphion and Zethos -- Draining of the Kopais -- Granaries -- Irrigation and settlement in the Argolid -- Drainage and irrigation in Arkadia -- Parallels between Boiotian and Arkadian place names -- Social and political structures in early Helladic Greece -- Other archaeological traces of old kingdom Egypt in the Aegean -- End of early bronze age 'high' civilization -- Conclusion -- 4: Old Palace Period In Crete And The Egyptian Middle Kingdom, 2100 to 1730 BC -- Early Minoan III-the Prepalatial period -- Lead and spirals -- Cretan palaces -- Cretan writing systems -- Cultic symbols in Early Palatial Crete -- Possible Anatolian origins of the bull cult -- Thunder and sex: Min, Pan and Bwaza -- Min and Minos -- Case against Egyptian influence -- Mont and Rhadamanthys -- Survival of the bull cult-Cretan conservatism -- Conclusion -- 5: Sesostris, I: The Archaeological And Documentary Evidence For The Greek Accounts Of His Conquest -- Discovery of the Mit Rahina inscription -- Significance of the inscription as evidence for an Egyptian empire in Asia during the middle kingdom -- Senwosre and Sesostris -- Real and the fantastic in the Sesostris stories -- Middle kingdom Egypt's military capability -- Background -- Archaeological evidence for the campaigns -- Was Sesostris the destroyer? -- Sesostris in Thrace and Scythia? -- Sesostris in Colchis? -- Evidence for Sesostris 'conquests' from the Mit Rahina inscription -- Conclusion -- 6: Sesostris, II: The Cultic, Mythical And Legendary Evidence -- Egyptian tradition -- Traditions of the Levant and Anatolia -- Thrace and Scythia -- Colchis: and Egyptian colony? -- Mesopotamia and Iran -- Greek and legends of Memnon and his conquests on Anatolia -- Case for an Egyptian conquest of Troy c1900 BC -- Sesostris / Senwosre and Amenemhe's conquests: a summary of the evidence -- 7: Thera Eruption: From The Aegean To China -- Controversy over dating -- Eruption re-dated -- Implications of the re-dating -- Thera and Kalliste -- Volcanic allusions in the Exodus story -- Membliaros and the pall of darkness -- Myth of Atlantis -- Hekla eruption in Iceland -- China: the historiographical impact -- World-wide impact of the Thera eruption -- Conclusion -- 8: Hyksos -- Chronology of the 13th Dynasty: chaos in Egypt -- Chronology of the 15th Dynasty: the beginnings of Hyksos rule -- Hyksos capital at Tell el Daba'a -- 400-year stela and the Temple of Seth -- Chronological summary -- Who were the Hyksos? -- Different views on the origin and the arrival of the Hyksos -- Hyksos as a multinational corporation -- Horses and chariots: Hurrians and Aryans -- Hurrians and Hyksos -- Hyksos material culture -- Hyksos and the biblical captivity or sojourn in Egypt -- Conclusion -- 9: Crete, Thera And The Birth Of Mycenaean Culture In The 18th And 17th Centuries BC: A Hyksos Invasion? -- Cretan new palaces -- Weapons of Crete in MMIII -- Flying gallop, the sphinx and the griffin -- Was there a Hyksos invastion of Crete c1730 BC? -- Hyksos in Thera? -- Origins of Mycenaean civilization -- Aryanist model of invasion -- Between Aryand and ancient: Frank Stubbings -- Conclusion: Revision of the ancient model -- 10: Egyptian, Mesopotamian And Levantine Contacts With The Aegean: The Documentary Evidence -- Egyptian place names referring to the Aegan -- Etymology of Danaan -- Documentary evidence for Egyptian relations with the Aegean in the late Bronze age -- Accuracy and hybridism in Egyptian inscriptions and tomb paintings -- Why did Cretan princes bring tribute to Egypt? -- Dating the Mycenaean domination of Crete -- Crete and Mycenaean missions to Egypt -- Statue base of Amenophis III -- Contacts between Egypt and the Aegean in the late 18th and 19th Dynasties -- Summary of the evidence from Egyptian documents and paintings -- Mesopotamian and Ugaritic documents -- Aegean documents -- Conclusion -- 11: Egyptian And Levantine Contacts With The Aegean, 1550-1250 BC: The Archaeological Evidence -- Late Mycenaean Greece -- Relative isolation of the Aegean 1550-1470BC -- Egyptian expansion from c1520 to 1420 -- Pelops and the Achaians: evidence from Anatolia -- Pelops 'the crown prince? -- Achaians and the Danaans -- Archaeological traces of the Achaians -- Mycenaeans and Hittities -- Ugarit and Cyprus -- Mycenaean expansion and conquests of Tuthmosis III -- Merchants of the Mediterranean in the late Bronze age? -- Kas shipwreck: the sailors -- Egyptian Thebes and Mycenae, 1420-1370 BC -- Foundation deposit plaques -- Vocabulary of trade -- Decline of Egyptian influence on the Aegean 1370-1200 BC -- Phi and Psi figurines and smiting gods -- Canaanite jars -- Ivory -- Conclusion -- 12: Heroic End To The Heroic Age: The Fall Of Thebes, Troy and Mycenae 1250-1150 BC -- Cylinder seals -- Boiotian Thebes and the Phoenician's arrival -- Ancient chronographies -- Kadmos and the alphabet -- Kadmos and Danaos: Hyksos rulers -- Problems in the writing of liner B -- Treasure of the Kadmeion -- Kassite connection -- Destruction of Thebes -- Brief survey of Trojan history -- Date of the Trojan war -- Thebes and Troy -- Collapse of Mycenaean civilization -- Conclusion -- Maps and charts -- Notes -- Glossary -- Bibliography -- Index. Volume 3: Linguistic evidence -- Preface and acknowledgements -- Transcription and phonetics -- Maps and charts -- Introduction -- Previous volumes and their reception -- Classics has been misunderstood -- Anathema from a GOM -- Outline of volume 3 -- 1: Historical Linguistics And The Image Of Ancient Greek -- Nineteenth-century romantic linguistics: the tree and the family -- Saussure and the twentieth-century epigones of nineteenth-century Indo-European studies -- Ramification or interlacing -- 2: Nostratic And Euroasiatic Hyper- And Super-Familes -- Nostratic and Eurasiatic -- Archaeological evidence for the origin of Nostratic and Eurosiatic -- Gordon Childe and Colin Renfrew -- Language and genetics -- Conclusion -- 3: Afroasiatic, Egyptian And Semitic -- Origins of African languages and the development of agriculture in Africa -- Origins and spread of Afroasiatic -- Conclusion -- 4: Origins Of Indo-Hittite And Indo-European And Their Contacts With Other Languages -- Origins and diffusion of Indo-Hittite and Indo-European -- Loans from other languages into PIH -- Development of and Indo-European gender system based on sex -- Conclusion -- 5: Greek Language In The Mediterranean Context: Part, Phonology -- Greek: result of a linguistic shift or of language contact? -- Elements of the Greek linguistic amalgam -- Phonologies of Indo-Hittite and Indo-European -- Phonological developments from PIE to Greek -- Conclusion -- 6: Greek Language In The Mediterranean Context: Part 2, Morphological And Syntactical Developments -- Morphology -- Syntax -- Summary of syntactical changes -- Conclusion -- 7: Greek Language In The Mediterranean Context: Part 3, Lexicon -- Introduction -- Study of lexical borrowings -- Ancient Greeks' sense of lexical borrowing -- Loans from Afroasiatic into Greek and into Albanian or Armenian -- Conclusion -- 8: Phonetic Developments In Egyptian, West Semitic And Greek Over The Last Three Millennia BCE, as Reflected In Lexical Borrowings -- Introduction -- Semitic -- Egyptian -- Conclusion -- 9: Greek Borrowings From Egyptian Prefixes, Including The Definite Articles -- Introduction -- Greek borrowing from Egyptian definite article prefixes -- Egyptian word pr "house, temple, palace" -- R- "entry" or local prefix" -- (R)dit, "casual prefix" -- Greek borrowings from Egyptian verbs beginning with di(t) -- Conclusion -- 10: Major Egyptian Terms In Greek: Part 1 -- 1: Ntr/K3 -- 2: 'nh -- 3: M(w)dw -- 4: Sb3 -- 5: Dr, R-dr, drw -- 6: Mwr, M3't, Moipa, Meipouai and Mm3't, Ma -- 7: Hpr -- Conclusion -- 11: Major Egyptian Terms In Greek: Part 2 -- nfr(w)/ms -- nfr/ms -- Conclusion -- 12: Sixteen Minor Roots -- Introduction -- Conclusion -- 13: Semitic Sibilants -- Introduction -- Loans of sibilants from Canaanite into Greek -- Laterial fricatives -- Sheltered /s /sC /s /before consonants -- Conclusion -- 14: More Semitic Loans Into Greek -- Introduction -- Conclusion -- 15: Some Egyptian And Semiic Semantic Clusters In Greek -- Nature and agriculture -- Cooking -- Medicine -- Conclusion -- 16: Semantic Clusters: Warfare, Hunting, And Shipping -- Weapons, warfare and hunting -- Shipping -- 17: Semantic Clusters: Society, Poltics, Law And Abstraction -- Introduction -- Society -- Politics -- Law and order -- Abstraction -- 18: Religious Terminology -- Structures -- Personnel -- Cult objects -- Rituals -- Sacrifices -- Incense, flowers, scents -- Aura -- Mysteries -- Conclusion -- 19: Divine Names: Gods, Mythical Creatures, Heroes -- Introduction: Gods -- hpr, "become" Hprr, Apollo, Asklepios, Python and Delphi -- Apollo the "Aryan" -- Was Apollo a sun god before the fifht century? -- Twins, Apollo and Artemis -- Other olympians -- Zeus Nsw -- Other gods -- Herodots' non-Egyptian divine names -- Demigods -- Mythical creatures -- Some heroes -- Conclusion -- 20: Geographical Features And Place-Name -- Introduction -- Natural features -- City names -- Conclusion -- 21: Sparta -- Introduction -- Sparta: *sper and Sp3t -- Anubis, Hermes and Sparta -- Late borrowings and Lykurgos -- Lakonian terminology Egyptian? -- Sparta and death -- Spartans and Jews -- 22: Athena And Athens -- Introduction -- Summary of the chapter -- Armor and equipment -- Athena and her victims -- Athens as a colony from Sias? -- Summary of the cultic evidence -- Etymoloyg of names -- Ht ntr (nt) Nt Athena(ia) -- Conclusion -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Glossary -- Greek words and names with proposed Afroasiatic etymologies -- Letter correspondences -- Bibliography -- Index.
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* Civilisation grecque. Civilización griega - Influencias fenicias. Griekse oudheid. Cultuur. Invloed. Geschiedbeschouwing. Kulturbeziehungen Rezeption
* Greece - Civilization- Egyptian influences. Greece - Civilization- Phoenician influences. Greece - Civilization - To 146 B.C. Grèce - Civilisation- Influence egyptienne. Grèce - Civilisation- Influence phénicienne. Grèce - Civilisation - Jusqu'à 146 av. J.-C. Grèce - Civilisation- Influence égyptienne. Grèce - Civilisation- Influence phénicienne. Afrika Griechenland (Altertum) Alter Orient