Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)Library,Documentation and Information Science Division
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309.2/62/094711 Hertzen, Heikki von,, 1913- Building a new town: Finland's new garden city, Tapiola [by Heikki von Hertzen and Paul D. Spreiregen. - Rev. ed.. - Cambridge, MIT Press, 1973] 233 p. illus. 27 cm. 0262220180 9780262220187 0262580241 (pbk) 9780262580243 (pbk) * City planning - Finland - Espoo. City planning. Urbanisme - Finlande - Tapiola. Cités - Jardins - Finlande - Tapiola. * Tapiola (Espoo, Finland) Tapiola, Finlande. * Finland Tapiola Town planning * Spreiregen, Paul D., * Title