Alderton, David,, 1956-
Cats / David Alderton ; photography by Marc Henrie ; US consulting editor, Daphne Negus. -
1st American ed.. -
New York : Boston : Dorling Kindersley ; Distributed by Houghton Mifflin, 1992.
256 p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm.
- (Eyewitness handbooks )
Includes index.
Content notes : Cat family -- What is a cat -- Senses and instincts -- Cats and kittens -- Breed/color -- Development -- Choosing a cat -- Grooming for showing -- Showing -- Fur types -- Fur colors -- Coat patterns -- Identification key -- Long-haired cats -- Persian -- Himalayan -- Birman -- Turkish Angora -- Turkish Van -- Angora -- Javanese (UK) -- Maine Coon -- Norwegian Forest -- Siberian Cat -- Ragdoll -- Somali -- Balinese/Javanese -- Tiffany -- Cymric -- Scottish Fold -- American Curl -- Nonpedigree -- Short-haired cats -- British Shorthair. Color Pointed British Shorthair -- Exotic -- Manx -- Japanese Bobtail -- Scottish Fold -- Snowshoe -- American Shorthair -- American Wirehair -- American Curl -- European Shorthair -- Color Pointed European Shorthair -- Chartreux -- Cornish Rex -- Devon Rex -- Sphynx -- Selkirk Rex -- Russian Shorthair -- Korat -- Siamese/Colorpoint Shorthair -- Burmese/Malayan -- Tonkinese -- Burmilla -- Asian -- Bombay -- Singapura -- Oriental Shorthair -- Egyptian Mau -- Abyssinian -- Wild Abyssinian -- Ocicat -- California Spangled -- Bengal -- Nonpedigree -- Cat Credits.
1564580733 9781564580733 1564580709 (pbk.) 9781564580702 (pbk.)
* Cats. Cat breeds. Cat breeds - Pictorial works.
* Henrie, Marc.
* Title
* Series