Controversies in voting behavior / [edited by] Richard G. Niemi, Herbert F. Weisberg. -
3rd ed.. -
Washington, D.C. : CQ Press, c1993.
x, 433 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Content notes : The study of voting and elections -- Why don't more people vote? -- The politics of turnout decline / Ruy A. Teixeira -- Race , sociopolitical participation, and black empowerment / Lawrence Boba and Franklin D. Gilliam, Jr. -- American voter turnout in comparative perspective / G. Bingham Powell, Jr. -- What determinines how voters think about politics? -- Changes in the public's political sophistication / Eric R.A.N. Smith -- Explaining political sophiscatioon / Robert C. Luskin -- What determines the vote? -- The impact of personal and national economic conditions on the presidential vote : a pooled cross-sectional analysis / Gregory B. Markus -- Foreign affairs and issue voting : do presidential candidates "waltz before a blind audience"? / John H. Aldrich, John L. Sullivan, and Eugene Borgida -- A social-cognitive model of candidate appraisal / Wendy M. Rahn -- What determines congressional and state-level voting? -- Surge and decline : the national evidence / James E. Campbell -- You can't beat somebody with nobody : trends in partisan opposition / Gary C. Jacobson -- Is party identification stable? -- Macropartisanship / Michael B. MacKuen, Robert S. Erikson, and James A. Stimson -- Issues and inheritance in the formation of party identification / Richard G. Niemi and M. Kent Jennings -- Dealignement and realignment in the current period -- Modeling change in mass identification with the parties / Edward C. Carmines and James A. Stimson -- Partisanship and group support over time / Harold W. Stanley and Richard G. Niemi -- Views of the parties : negativity or neutrality? / Martin P. Wattenberg.
0871877066 : $25.95 9780871877062
* Elections. Voting.
* Niemi, Richard G. Weisberg, Herbert F.
* Title