Engels, Friedrich,, 1820-1895.
Dialectics of nature, by Frederick Engels; translated and edited by Clemens Dutt with a preface and notes by J.B.S. Haldane, F.R.S. -
New York, International Publishers [c1940]
xvi, 383 p. diagr. 22 cm.
Content notes : Introduction.--Dialectics.--Basic forms of motion.--The measure of motion--work.--Heat.--Electricity.--Dialectics of nature--notes.--Tidal friction, Kant and Thomson-Tait on the rotation of the earth and lunar attraction.--The part played by labour in the transition from ape to man.--Natural science and the spirit world [from a manuscript of Engels probably written in 1878, and first published in the "Illustrierter neue welt-kalender für das jahr 1898"]--Appendices: I. Notes to Anti-Dühring, hitherto unpublished in English. II. Source references (p. 329-370).--Bibliography (p. 371-375)--Index.
* Dialectic (Science) Science - Philosophy. Sciences - Philosophie. Matérialisme dialectique.
* Dutt, Clemens Palme, Haldane, J. B. S.
* Title