Allen, James Garland,, 1900-
Editorial opinion in the contemporary British commonwealth and empire, by James G. Allen ... -
Boulder, Col., 1946.
xxii, 297-605 p. 28 cm.
- (University of Colorado studies. Studies in the social sciences. Ser. C. Vol. I, no. 4)
"A collection of editorals that have appeared in [dominion and colonial] newspapers."--Pref.
Content notes : The Smuts-Halifax proposals.--The Imperial council. The Imperial council and the Prime ministers' conference.--The Prime ministers' conference, May 1944.--The Canberra conference and the Australia-New Zealand agreement, January 1944.--The Jamaica Constitution.
* Imperial federation.
* Great Britain - Politics and government - 1936-1945. Great Britain - Colonies. Grande-Bretagne - Colonies. Grande-Bretagne - Politique et gouvernement - 1936-1945.
* Series