Encyclopedia of microcomputers / executive editors, Allen Kent, James G. Williams ; administrative editor, Rosalind Kent. -
New York : M. Dekker, c1988-
v. <1-28 > : ill. ; 26 cm.
Vols. 5-6, 8-10, 12-<19 >: administrative editors, Rosalind Kent, Carolyn M. Hall ; v. <20-28 >: administrative editor, Carolyn M. Hall. Kept up to date by supplements.
Content notes : v. 11. Management studies to multiprocessing and multitasking -- v. 12. Multistrategy learning to operations research, microcomputer applications -- v. 13. Opitical disks to production scheduling -- v. 14. Productiv ity and software maintenance: a managerial perspective to relative addressing -- v. 15. Reporting on Parallel Software to SNOBOL -- v. 16. Socio-organizational aspects of expert systems design to storage and retrieval: Signature file access -- v. 17. Strategies in the microprocessor industry to TCP/IP internetworking: concepts, architecture, protocols, and tools -- v. 18. Teaching critical thinking and problem solving to truth-functional logic -- v. 19. Truth maintenance systems to visual display quality -- v. 20. Visual fidelity: designing multimedia interfaces for active learning to Xerox corporation.
0824727002 (v. 1) : $160.00 (per vol.) 9780824727000 (v. 1) 082472707X (v. 8) 9780824727079 (v. 8) 0824727088 (v. 9) 9780824727086 (v. 9)
* Microcomputers - Dictionaries. Micro-ordinateurs - Dictionnaires anglais.
* Kent, Allen. Williams, James G.Kent, Rosalind.
* Title