Bamberger, Bernard J., 1904-1980., ((Bernard Jacob),)
Fallen angels.
Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1952.
295 p. front. 22 cm.
Content notes : pt. 1. Gateway. Introducing the theme -- The Hebrew scriptures -- pt. 2. The outside books. The Ethiopic Enoch (3 pts.) -- Jubilees, Testaments, Zadokite work -- The Slavonic Enoch -- The Adam books -- The Testament of Job -- Esdras, Baruch, Pseudo-Philo -- The Apocalypse of Abraham -- pt. 3. Crossroads. Hellenistic writings -- Where the ways divide -- pt. 4. The early Christian church. The New Testament -- The Church Fathers -- pt. 5. The Rabbis. Talmud and Midrash -- Interlude: the legend in Islam -- New paths: the visionaries -- New paths: the later Aggada -- pt. 6. Medieval Judaism. The rationalists -- pt. 7. Jewish mysticism. The German Cabala -- The Spanish Cabala -- The Zohar -- The later mystics -- Mysticism for the masses -- pt. 8. Christian theology. The devil of the philosophers -- The devil of the people -- Protestant Christianity -- pt. 9. The devil in modern dress. The century of liberalism -- Epilogue.
* Demonology. Devil. Gevallen engelen. Jodendom. Christendom.