Feminism, multiculturalism, and the media : global diversities / edited by Angharad N. Valdivia. -
Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, c1995.
viii, 332 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Content notes : Feminist media studies in a global setting : beyond binary contradictions and into multicultural spectrums / Angharad N. Valdivia -- Living theory through practice : race, gender, and class in the everyday life of a graduate student / Isabel Molina Guzmán -- Three women, a mouse, a microphone, and a telephone : information (mis)management during the Mohawk/Canadian governments' conflict of 1990 / Lorna Roth, Beverly Nelson, and Kasennahawi Marie David -- Representing ourselves : films and videos by Asian American/Canadian women / Marina Heung -- News, consciousness, and social participation : the role of women's feature service in world news / Carolyn M. Byerly -- Lesbian chic : our fifteen minutes of celebrity? / Marguerite Moritz -- News coverage of ethnic and gender issues in the Big Dan's rape case / Lisa M. Cuklanz -- Missing persons : working-class women and the movies, 1940-1990 / Jasmine Paul and Bette J. Kauffman -- Advertising and mother nature / Katherine Toland Frith -- The "Abortion clause" in U.S. foreign population policy : the debate viewed through a postcolonial feminist lens / Rashmi Luthra -- Orientalization of an "almost white" woman : a multidisciplinary approach to the interlocking effects of race, class, gender, and ethnicity in American mass media : the case of the missing Jewish woman / Susan Kray -- Watching Tongues untie(d) while reading Zami : mapping boundaries in black gay and lesbian narratives / Frances Negrón-Muntaner -- African American women between hopscotch and hip-hop: "must be the music (that's turnin' me on)" / Kyra D. Gaunt.
0803957742 (alk. paper) 9780803957749 (alk. paper) 0803957750 (pbk. : alk. paper) 9780803957756 (pbk. : alk. paper)
* Mass media and women. Feminism. Cultural pluralism in mass media. Massamedia. Feminisme. Multiculturele samenlevingen. Médias et femmes. Féminisme. Pluralisme. Féminisme et médias.
* Feminism Mass media Role of Women
* Valdivia, Angharad N.
* Title