Dorson, Richard Mercer,, 1916-1981.
Folklore and folklife, an introduction. Edited by Richard M. Dorson. -
Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1972]
x, 561 p. illus. 24 cm.
Content notes : Preface ; Concepts of folklore and folklife studies / Richard M. Dorson -- Folk narrative / Linda Dégh -- Narrative folk poetry / W. Edson Richmond -- Folk epic / Felix J. Oinas -- Proverbs and proverbial expressions / Roger D. Abrahams -- Riddles / Roger D. Abrahams and Alan Dundes -- Folk speech / W. Edson Richmond -- Festivals and celebrations / Robert J. Smith -- Recreations and games / Robert A. Georges / Folk medicine / Don Yoder -- Folk religion / John C. Messenger -- Folk crafts / Warren E. Roberts -- Folk art / Henry Glassie -- Folk architecture / Warren E. Roberts -- Folk costume ; Folk Cookery / Don Yoder -- Folk drama / Roger D. Abrahams -- Folk music / George List -- Folk dance / Joann Wheeler Kealiinohomoku -- Fieldwork : collecting oral literature / Donald A. Macdonald -- Fieldwork : recording material culture / Warren E. Roberts -- Fieldwork : recording traditional music / George List -- Archiving / George List -- The use of printed sources / Richard M. Dorson -- Folk atlas mapping / Robert Wildhaber -- The use of artifacts and folk art in the folk museum / J. Geraint Jenkins -- The cultural geographer and folklife research / E. Estyn Evans.
0226158705 9780226158709
* Folklore. Ethnology. Folklore. Ethnologie. Volkscultuur. Volkskunde Aufsatzsammlung Volksliteratur
* Folklore Essays