Christiansen, Reidar Thorwalf,, 1886-
Folktales of Norway / edited by Reidar Christiansen ; translated by Pat Shaw Iversen ; foreword by Richard M. Dorson. -
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1964.
xlix, 284 p. ; 23 cm.
- (Folktales of the world )
Includes indexes.
Content notes : Historical legends. King Olav, the national saint -- King Olav and the gyger -- King Olav, master builder of Seljord Church -- King Olav, master builder of Trondheim Cathedral -- The plague as an old hag is ferried across a river -- The horse that carried the corpses across the mountains -- The Jostedal grouse -- The church found in the woods -- Over the cliff -- The girl and the robbers -- The disputed site for a church at Voss -- The disputed site for a church at Slagen -- The disputed site for a church at Hosanger -- The altarpiece in Ringsaker Church -- Hidden treasures : the silver king -- Hidden treasures : Rakbjörd treasure -- Hidden treasures : the copper cauldron. Legends about magic and witchcraft. The black school -- Making the devil carry the cart -- The cardplayers and the devil -- Inexperienced use of the black book -- Caried by the evil one -- Following the witch -- The witches' sabbath -- The witch's daughter -- The Finn messenger -- Driving out the snakes. Legends about ghosts, the human soul, and shapeshifting. The midnight mass of the dead -- The human soul out wandering as a mouse -- The human soul out wandering as a fly -- Shapeshifting in Fäarland -- Shapeshifting at harvest time. Legends about spirits of the sea, lakes, and rivers. The battle between the sea draugs and the land draugs -- The grateful merman -- The cormorants from Utröst -- The tufte-folk on Sandflesa -- "The hour has come but not the man!" -- The sea horse and the sea serpent -- The sea serpent in Lake Mjösen. Legends about spirits of the air. The oskorei fear the cross -- The girl who was taken. Legends about spirits of forest and mountain. Trolls resent a disturbance -- The old troll and the handshake -- The jutul and Johannes Blessom -- The Urdebö rockfall -- The prospects of the huldre-folk for salvation -- The origin of the huldre-folk : the huldre minister -- The origin of the huldre-folk : the hidden children of Eve -- The changeling betrays his age -- Disposing of a changeling -- The sickly changeling -- Food from the huldre-folk on the mountain -- Food from the huldre-folk at Ellefstad -- The haug-folk help a man -- A woman helps a hulder -- Removing a building to suit those under the ground -- Escape from the huldre-folk -- Living with the huldre-folk in a knoll -- Living with the huldre-folk at Aanstad -- Living with the huldre-folk at Ekeberg -- Living with the huldre-folk at Nore -- Married to a hulder -- The interrupted huldre wedding at Melbustad -- The interrupted huldre wedding at Norstuhov -- The drinking horn stolen from the huldre-folk at Vallerhaug -- The drinking horn stolen from the huldre-folk at Vellerhaug -- The drinking horn stolen from the huldre-folk at Hifjell -- The Christmas visitors and the tabby cat -- The Christmas visitors at Kvame -- A message from the huldre-folk that someone died -- A hulder calls the dairymaids -- The huldre-folk tell the date -- Outrunning a hulder -- The man who became huldrin -- Outwitting the huldre suitor with magic herbs -- Outwitting the huldre suitor with gun fire. Legends about household spirits. Nisse fighting -- The new breeches -- The heavy load -- The nisse's revenge -- The tunkall -- The gardvord beats up the troll. Fictional folktales. The Finn king's daughter -- The three princesses in Whittenland -- Svein unafraid -- Giske -- The seven foals -- All-black and all-white -- Little Lucy goosey girl -- Haaken Grizzlebeard -- The blue band -- Stupid men and shrewish wives -- Some wives are that way -- Mastermaid -- The hen is tripping in the mountain -- The one who is loved by womankind will never find himself in need -- Bird dam -- Mop head.
0226105091 9780226105093 0226105105 (pbk.) 9780226105109 (pbk.)
* Tales - Norway. Folklore - Norway.
* Series