Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
Library,Documentation and Information Science Division

“A research journal serves that narrow

borderland which separates the known from the unknown”


From the modern repertoire,

406 p. Content notes : Fantasio, by Alfred de Musset.--Danton's death, by Georg Büchner.--La Parisienne, by Henry Becque.--Round dance, by Arthur Schnitzler.--The snob, by Carl Sternheim.--Sweeney agonistes, by T. S. Eliot.--The threepenny opera, by Bertolt Brecht.--The love of Don Perlimplin and Belisa in the garden, by Federico García Lorca.--The infernal machine, by Jean Cocteau.--A full moon in March. by W. B. Yeats.

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