Cerf, Bennett,, 1898-1971.
Good for a laugh; a new collection of humorous tidbits and anecdotes from aardvark to zythum, with illus. by Doug Anderson. -
Garden City, N.Y., Hanover House [1952]
220 p. illus. 22 cm.
Content notes : A is for Armed Forces -- A is Automobiles -- B is for Broadway -- B is for Barbers -- C is for the Children's hour -- C is for Christmas -- D is for Doctors -- E is for Europe and other continents -- F is for Farmers -- G is for Gaming -- H is for Hollywood -- I is for Intoxicants -- J is for Judicial matters -- K is for Kremlin -- L is for Literary life -- M is for Marts of trade -- N is for a New parlor game -- O is for Our four-legged friends, including shaggy dogs -- P is for the Pun-American Conference -- Q is for Quality folk, get rich and worry! -- R is for Railroads -- R is for Religion -- R is for Romance -- S is for Sports -- T is for Television and radio -- T is for Texas and a few other states -- U is for Universities -- V is for VIPs in Washington -- W is for Writers -- W (and X, Y, and Z) are for Women.
* Anecdotes. American wit and humor.