Wright, Albert Hazen,, 1879-1970.
Handbook of snakes of the United States and Canada, by Albert Hazen Wright and Anna Allen Wright. -
Ithaca, N.Y., Comstock Pub. Associates, 1957-
v. illus., maps (1 fold.) 24 cm.
Content notes : v. 1. Names of snakes -- Range -- Size (of adults) -- Longevity -- Distinctive characteristics -- Color -- Habitat -- Period of activity -- Breeding -- Ecdysis -- Food -- Venom and bite -- Enemies -- Field notes -- Authorities -- Accounts of species -- Key to families -- Leptotyphlopidae: blind snakes -- Hydrophidae: sea snakes -- Boidae: boas -- Charina: rubber boas -- Lichanura: rosy boas -- Colubridae: common harmless snakes -- Abastor: rainbow snakes -- Arizona: glossy snakes -- Carphophis: worm snakes -- Cemophora: scarlet snakes -- Chilomeniscus: banded burrowing snakes -- Chionactis: shovel-nosed ground snakes -- Coluber: racers -- Coniophanes: black-banded snakes -- Contia: sharp-tailed snakes -- Diadophis: ring-necked snakes -- Drymarchon: indigo snakes -- Drymobius: speckled snakes -- Elaphe: rat snakes -- Farancia: horn snakes -- Ficimia: hook-nosed snakes -- Gyalopion: hook-nosed snakes -- Haldea: ground snakes -- Heterodon: hog-nosed snakes -- Hypsiglena: night snakes -- Lampropeltis: king snakes -- Leptodeira: annulated snakes -- Liodytes: mud snakes -- Masticophis: whip snakes. (cont) Natrix: water snakes -- Opheodrys: green snakes -- v. 2. Oxybelis: pike-headed tree snakes -- Phyllorhynchus: leaf-nosed snakes -- Pituophis: bull snakes, pine snakes, gopher snakes -- Rhadinaea: yello-lipped snakes -- Rhinocheilus: long-nosed snakes -- Salvadora: patch-nosed snakes -- Seminatrix: red-bellied mud snakes -- Sonora: ground snakes -- Stilosoma: short-tailed snakes -- Storeria: brown snakes -- Tantilla: black-headed snakes -- Thamnophis: garter snakes, ribbon snakes -- Trimorphodon: lyre snakes -- Tropidoclonion: lined snakes -- Elapidae: coral snakes -- Micruroides: Arizona coral snakes -- Micrurus: coral snakes -- Crotalidae: pit vipers -- Ancistrodon: copperheads, moccasins -- Crotalus: rattlesnakes -- Sistrurus: ground rattlesnakes, pigmy rattlesnakes, massasaugas.
* Snakes - North America. Snakes - United States. Snakes - Canada. Serpents - Amérique du Nord.
* Wright, Anna Allen,
* Title