Health for the whole person : the complete guide to holistic medicine / edited by Arthur C. Hastings, James Fadiman, and James S. Gordon. -
Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, 1980.
xviii, 529 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Based on a report prepared by the Institute of Noetic Sciences for the National Institute of Mental Health.
Content notes : The paradigm of holistic medicine / James S. Gordon -- The social context of health / Leonard J. Duhl -- Family therapy and physical illness / Richard Rabkin -- Ecological factors in health / Stephen Lerner and Jane Borchers -- Medical self-care : self-responsibility for health / Tom Ferguson -- The mind in health and disease / Kenneth R. Pelletier -- Biofeedback / Joe Kamiya and Joanne Gardner Kamiya -- Autogenic therapy / Erik Peper and Elizabeth Ann Williams -- Hypnosis / David B. Cheek -- Meditation and holistic medicine / Deane H. Shapiro, Jr. -- Psychic healing / Stanley Krippner -- The placebo effect : a neglected asset in the care of patients / Herbert Benson and Mark D. Epstein -- The physical disciplines and health / Donald B. Ardell -- Touch : working with the body / Robert Frager -- Chiropractic / Victoria Simons -- Eastern spiritual and physical discipline and health -- Food and nutrition / James Fadiman -- The therapeutic use of plants / Leslie J. Kaslof -- Music and sound in health / Helen L. Bonny -- The use of light and color in health / Philip C. Hughes -- Alternatives in childbirth / James S. Gordon and Doris B. Haire -- Holistic approaches to oral health and dentistry / Leo Wollman ... [et al]. -- Stress : the new etiology / Thomas H. Holmes -- Holistic approaches to healthy aging and programs for the elderly / Ken Dychtwald -- Dying and death / Charles A. Garfield -- Homoeopathic medicine / Harris L. Coulter -- Chinese medicine and holistic health / David E. Bresler -- Indigenous and traditional systems of healing / Arthur Kleinman -- Alternative forms of diagnosis / Arthur Hastings -- Holistic health centers / James S. Gordon -- The future of health care in the United States / Rick J. Carlson.
0891588833 9780891588832 0891588841 (pbk.) 9780891588849 (pbk.)
* Holistic medicine. Holistic Health - Abstracts. Médecine holistique.
* Hastings, Arthur. Fadiman, James,Gordon, James S.
* Title