The Hidden half : studies of Plains Indian women / Patricia Albers, Beatrice Medicine. -
Washington, D.C. : University Press of America, c1983.
vi, 280 p. ; 23 cm.
Consists chiefly of papers presented at a symposium entitled The Role and status of women in Plains Indian cultures, held in 1977, at the Plains Conference, Lincoln, Neb.
Content notes : Introduction: new perspectives on Plains Indian women / Patricia Albers -- Beasts of burden and menial slaves / Katherine Weist -- The shackles of tradition / Alice Kehoe -- Male/female task differentiation among the Hidatsa / Janet Spector -- Women's work / Mary Jane Schneider -- The role of Sioux women in the production of ceremonial objects / Patricia Albers, Beatrice Medicine -- The political-economy of gender / Alan Klein -- Sioux women in transition / Patricia Albers -- Male and female in traditional Lakota culture / Raymond Demallie -- "Warrior women", sex role alternatives for Plains Indian women / Beatrice Medicine.
0819129569 : $22.50 9780819129567 0819129577 : $11.75 (pbk.) 9780819129574
* Indian women - Congresses. - Great Plains Femmes indiennes - Recueils d'articles. - Grandes Plaines Indianen. Vrouwen.
* Albers, Patricia. Medicine, Beatrice.
* Title