The Homes of New York and Connecticut : from material originally published as the White pine series of architectural monographs, edited by Russell F. Whitehead and Frank Chouteau Brown / Lisa C. Mullins, editor ; Roy Underhill, consultant. -
Harrisburg, Pa. : National Historical Society, c1987.
254 p. : ill. ; 29 cm.
- (Architectural treasures of Early America ; 5)
Content notes : Rensselaerville: an old village of the Helderbergs / William A. Keller -- Cooperstown: in the days of our forefathers / Frank P. Whiting -- Some forgotten farmhouses on Manhattan Island / Lemuel Hoadley Fowler -- Settlements on the eastern end of Long Island / William Edgar Moran -- Early wood-built houses of central New York / Carl C. Tallman -- The Greek Revival in Owego and nearby New York towns / Alexander B. Trowbridge -- Old Chatham and neighboring dwellings south of the Berkshires / Alwyn T. Covell -- The town of Suffield, Connecticut / David E. Tarn -- Historic houses of Litchfield / C. Matlock Price -- Farmington, Connecticut / Wesley Sherwood Bessell -- Essex: a Connecticut river town / H. Van Buren Magonigle -- The river towns of Connecticut / William D. Foster -- The old hill towns of Windham County, Connecticut / Richard H. Dana, Jr. -- Old Canterbury on the Quinnebaug / Richard H. Dana, Jr. -- Old Woodbury and adjacent domestic architecture of Connecticut / Wesley S. Bessell -- Early houses of the Connecticut Valley / Richard B. Derby.
0918678242 9780918678249
* Architecture, Domestic - New York (State) Architecture, Colonial - New York (State) Architecture, Domestic - Connecticut. Architecture, Colonial - Connecticut.
* Mullins, Lisa C. Underhill, Roy.
* Title
* Series