Winner, Ellen.
Invented worlds : the psychology of the arts / Ellen Winner. -
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1982.
xvi, 431 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Includes index.
Content notes : Introduction. The puzzle of art -- [ch.] 1. Personality and intellect -- 1. The artist -- 2. The audience -- [ch.] 2. Painting -- 3. What's in a picture? -- 4. The untutored eye -- 5. The development of drawing -- [ch.] 3. Music -- 6. The sounds of music -- 7. The innocent ear -- 8. The birth of song -- [ch.] 4. Literature -- 9. The literary experience -- 10. Once upon a time -- 11. First drafts -- [ch.] 5. Art and abnormality -- 12. The damaged brain -- 13. Mental illness -- Epilogue. Solving the puzzle of art.
0674463609 9780674463608
* Arts - Psychological aspects. Arts - Aspect psychologique. Kunst. Psychologische aspecten.