Whitehead, James D.
Method in ministry : theological reflection and Christian ministry / James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead. -
Rev. and updated.. -
Kansas City : Sheed & Ward, 1995.
xiv, 154 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Content notes : The contemporary need for method / James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead -- Pastoral reflection : a model and method / James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead -- The tradition in theological reflection : Scripture and the minister / Eugene C. Ulrich and William G. Thompson -- Experience and reflection in ministry / James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead -- The conversation with culture / James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead -- Attending : the conversation begins / James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead -- The crucible of assertion / James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead -- Pastoral response : from insight to action / James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead -- Assisting adults to think theologically / Patricia O'Connell Killen -- Theological reflection in health ministry : a strategy for parish nurses / Peter Buttitta -- Mujerista theology's methods : a liberative praxis, a way of life / Ada María Isasi-Díaz -- Reconciliation and the church in China / Robert Schreiter -- The play of pastoral reflection / James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead.
1556128061 9781556128066
* Clergy - Office. Clergy - Training of. Pastoraat. Permanente educatie. Theologie.
* Whitehead, Evelyn Eaton.
* Title