Conger, Sue A.
The new software engineering / Sue A. Conger. -
Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth Pub., c1994.
xiii, 817 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Content notes : Ch. 1. Overview of Software Engineering -- Pt. I. Preparation for Software Engineering. Ch. 2. Learning Application Development. Ch. 3. Project Management. Ch. 4. Data Gathering for Application Development -- Pt. II. Project Initiation. Ch. 5. Organizational Reengineering and Enterprise Planning. Ch. 6. Application Feasibility Analysis and Planning -- Pt. III. Analysis and Design. Ch. 7. Process-Oriented Analysis. Ch. 8. Process-Oriented Design. Ch. 9. Data-Oriented Analysis. Ch. 10. Data-Oriented Design. Ch. 11. Object-Oriented Analysis. Ch. 12. Object-Oriented Design. Ch. 13. Summary and Future of Systems Analysis, Design, and Methodologies. Ch. 14. Forgotten Activities -- Pt. IV. Implementation and Maintenance. Ch. 15. Choosing an Implementation Language. Ch. 16. Purchasing Hardware and Software. Ch. 17. Testing and Quality Assurance. Ch. 18. Change Management. Ch. 19. Software Engineering as a Career -- Appendix: Cases for Assignments.
0534171435 (acid-free recycled paper) : $40.00 9780534171438 (acid-free recycled paper)
* Software engineering.