Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)Library,Documentation and Information Science Division
“A research journal serves that narrow
borderland which separates the known from the unknown”
309.1/73/092 Beichman, Arnold. Nine lies about America / Arnold Beichman. - New York : Library Press, 1972. xxviii, 314 p. ; 23 cm. Content notes : Reply to James A. Wechsler -- "America is a fascist country" -- "America means genocide" -- "The bomber left is a moral force" -- "The American worker is a 'honky'" -- "Our political system is a fraud" -- "American values are materialistic" -- "America is insane" -- "The American people are guilty" -- "America needs a violent revolution". 0912050187 9780912050188 * Radicalism - United States. * United States - Social conditions - 1960-1980.