Institute on Feminist Practice Washington, D.C.) (1983 :
Not for women only : social work practice for a feminist future / Mary Bricker-Jenkins, Nancy R. Hooyman, editors. -
Silver Spring, Md. : National Association of Social Workers, c1986.
viii, 127 p. ; 23 cm.
"Based on an Institute on Feminist Practice presented by the NASW National Committee on Women's Issues at the NASW Professional Symposium, Washington, D.C., November 1983."
Content notes : "Be nobody's darling" / Alice Walker -- "Urged to deny the secrets" / Blanche Wiesen Cook -- A feminist world view : ideological themes from the feminist movement / Mary Bricker-Jenkins and Nancy R. Hooyman -- "Phantasia for Elvira Shatayev" / Adrienne Rich -- Grounding the definition of feminist practice / Mary Bricker-Jenkins and Nancy R. Hooyman -- "And then all that has divided us" / Judy Chicago -- "I want to you to give me some money" / Lynda Lou Ease -- A reformist perspective on feminist practice / Linda Stere -- "The rock will wear away" / Meg Christian and Holly Near -- "The woman whose head is on fire" / Judy Grahn -- A radical feminist perspective / Lib Hutchison -- "I like to think of Harriet Tubman" / Susan Griffin -- "The receptionist is by definition" / Karen Brodine -- A socialist feminist perspective / K.C. Wagner -- "Emma" / Clare Coss -- "To the majority' from a minority'" / Doris Davenport -- "Yellow woman speaks" / Merle Woo -- "Womanist" / Alice Walker -- Women of color and feminist practice / Members of SOURCE, Black Women Therapists' Collective : Zoleka Adams-Sawyer ... [et al.] --"Madonna of the hills" / Paula Gunn Allen -- "Mother's glowing embers" / Aribán -- "My mother loves women" / Minnie Bruce Pratt -- A rural and lesbian perspective on feminist practice / Pat L. Gunter -- "To confirm a thing" / May Swenson -- "Love poem to an ex-husband" / Minnie Bruce Pratt -- Men and feminist practice / Philip Lichtenberg -- "Every man for himself" / Sidney Miller -- "How to make a garden in the city" / Catherine Risingflame Moirai -- A psychic/physical healer perpsective on feminist practice / Phyllis A. Maass and Harriet L. Cohen -- "Testimony" / Ferron.
087101131X (pbk.) : $9.95 9780871011312 (pbk.)
* Feminism - Congresses. - United States Women social workers - Congresses. - United States Féminisme - Congrès. - États-Unis Travailleuses sociales - Congrès. - États-Unis
* Bricker-Jenkins, Mary. Hooyman, Nancy R.
* Title