Klopfer, Walter G.
Problems in psychotherapy: an eclectic approach, edited by Walter G. Klopfer and Max R. Reed. -
Washington, Hemisphere Pub. Corp.; [distributed by] Halsted Press Division, Wiley, 1974.
xi, 178 p. 24 cm.
- (Series in clinical psychology )
Content notes : Psychotherapy : a modern tower of babel / Max R. Reed -- The suspicious patient / Walter G. Klopfer -- The seductive patient / Walter G. Klopfer -- The suicidal patient / Michael L. Peck and Carl I. Wold -- The patient with somatic symptoms / Herbert L. Collier -- Enuresis and encopresis / Herbert L. Collier -- The patient unread for behavior therapy / Robert W. Davis -- The distressed parent of the disabled child / Sue A. Warren -- The silent patient in the group / Gordon T. Filmer-Bennett.
047049350X 9780470493502
* Eclectic psychotherapy. Psychothérapie. Psychotherapie. Psychotherapy.
* Reed, Max R.
* Title
* Series