Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)Library,Documentation and Information Science Division
“A research journal serves that narrow
borderland which separates the known from the unknown”
463/.21 The Random House basic dictionary : Spanish-English, English-Spanish / edited by Donald F. Solá ; under the general editorship of Frederick B. Agard. - 1st Ballantine Books ed.. - New York : Ballantine Books, 1981. 147 p. ; 18 cm. - (The Ballantine reference library ) Previously published as: The Random House Spanish dictionary. 1967. 0345296206 (pbk.) : $1.50 9780345296207 (pbk.) * Spanish language - Dictionaries - English. English language - Dictionaries - Spanish. Español - Diccionarios - Inglés. Inglés - Diccionarios - Español. * Series