Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
Library,Documentation and Information Science Division

“A research journal serves that narrow

borderland which separates the known from the unknown”


Selections from André Maurois,

247 p. port. 17 cm. - (Nelson's "modern studies" series ) Reprint of the 1928 ed. Content notes : Les silences du Colonel Bramble (extracts)--Les discours du Docteur O'Grady (extracts)--Les bourgeois de Witzheim (extract) La méthode du Dr. Keate (from Ariel; ou, La vie de Shelley)--Portraite d'une actrice (from Meïpe; ou, La délivrance)--Les anglais (first published in the Nineteenth century and after, December, 1925)--Rouen (first published in La revue universelle, Ier juillet 1927)--Notes.--Vocabulary.

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