Rivkin, Ellis,, 1918-
The shaping of Jewish history; a radical new interpretation. -
New York, Scribner [1971]
xxxi, 256 p. 24 cm.
Content notes : Patriarchs and prophets: one God or many -- The revolution of the Aaronides: the creation of the Pentateuch -- The Pharisaic revolution: a decisive mutation -- Heirs of the Pharisees: the paths of the twofold law -- Medieval ways to salvation: diversity in unity -- The rise of Capitalism: the Marranos -- The grand universals: the emancipation of the Jews -- The triumph of nationalism: the entrapment of capitalism within the nation-state -- The road to Auschwitz: the disintegration of nation-state capitalism -- The road from Auschwitz: the emergence of global capitalism.
0684123789 9780684123783 0684132362 (pbk.) 9780684132365 (pbk.)
* Jews - History - Philosophy.