Selvin, David F.
Sky full of storm : a brief history of California labor / David F. Selvin. -
Rev. ed.. -
San Francisco : California Historical Society, 1975.
ix, 101 p. : ill ; 22 cm.
Content notes : The classical pattern -- "If not one Jonah, then another" -- "Tomorrow is also a day" -- "Watch your employees and discharge boycotters" -- "How not to combat unionism" -- "Industrial freedom reigns supreme" -- The first Wheatland -- "The brooding shades" -- "His old roar is heard no more" -- The angry silence -- A long, long thirty years -- The monotony of misery -- The coming of the bracero -- Unions and the work force -- The structure of industrial relations -- The wilderness of change -- And now, nearly a decade later.
* Labor movement - History. - California Industrial relations - History. - California