Bryenton, Roger W.
The solar water heater book : building and installing your own system / Roger Bryenton, Ken Cooper, Chris Mattock ; graphic artist, Terry Lyster. -
1st printing.. -
Toronto : Renewable Energy in Canada, 1980.
69 p., A1-E2 p. : ill., maps ; charts ; forms ; 21 x 27 cm.
This book is a revised, North American edition of Solar Systems in B.C., originally published by B.C. Hydro. The information herein is a guideline only. Renewable Energy in Canada can not be responsible for installations, which are the responsibility of the installer. They should meet the current requirements of the owner, manufacturer's instructions and all applicable codes and regulations. Includes appendices.
092045609X 9780920456095
* Solar water heaters. Chauffe-eau solaires.
* Cooper, Ken, Mattock, Chris,
* Title