Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat,, 1689-1755.
The spirit of laws, by Charles de Secondat, baron de Montesquieu. [Translated by Thomas Nugent, rev. by J.V. Prichard] On the origin of inequality. On political economy. The social contract. By Jean Jacques Rousseau. [Translated by G.D.H. Cole]. -
Chicago, Encyclopædia Britannica [1955, c1952]
xxii, 439 p. 25 cm.
Content notes : Book I: Of laws in general -- Book II: Of laws directly derived from the nature of government -- Book III: Of the principles of the three kinds of government -- Book IV: That the laws of education ought to be in relation to the principles of government -- Book V: That the laws given by the legislator ought to be in relation to the principle of government -- Book VI: Consequences of the principles of different governments with respect to the simplicity of civil and criminal laws, the form of judgments, and the inflicting of punishments -- Book VII: Consequences of the different principles of the three governments with respect to sumptuary laws, luxury and the condition of women -- Book VIII: Of the corruption of the principles of the three governments -- Book IX: Of the laws in the relation that bear to a defensive force -- Book X: Of laws in the relation that bear to offensive force -- Book XI: Of the laws which establish political liberty, with regard to the constitution -- Book XII: Of the laws that form political liberty, in relation to the subject: Idea of this book -- Book XIII: Of the relation which the levying of taxes and the greatness of the public revenues bear to liberty -- Book XIV: Of laws in relation to the nature of the climate -- Book XV: In what manner the laws of civil slavery relate to the nature of the climate -- Book XVI: How the laws of domestic slavery bear a relation to the nature of the climate -- Book XVII: How the laws of political servitude bear a relation to the nature of the climate -- Book XVIII: Of laws in the relation they bear to the nature of the soil -- Book XIX: Of laws in relation to the principles which form the general spirit, morals, and customs of a nation -- Book XX: Of laws in relation to commerce, considered in its nature and distinctions -- Book XXI: Of laws in relation to commerce, considered in the revolutions it has met with in the world -- Book XXII: Of laws in relation to the use of money -- Book XXIII: Of laws in the relation they bear to the number of inhabitants -- Book XXIV: Of laws in relation to religion, considered in itself, and in its doctrine -- Book XXV: Of laws in relation to the establishment of religion and its external polity -- Book XXVI: Of laws in relation to the order of things which they determine -- Book XXVII: Of the origin and revolutions of the Roman law on successions -- Book XXVIII: Of the origin and revolutions of the civil laws among the French -- Book XXIX: Of the manner of composing the laws -- Book XXX: Theory of the feudal laws amonth the Franks in the relation they bear to the establishment of the monarchy -- Book XXXI: Theory of the feudal laws among the Franks in relation they bear to the revolutions of their monarchy.
* Political science. State, The. Law - Philosophy. Jurisprudence.
* Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Nugent, Thomas,Prichard, J. V.,Cole, G. D. H.
* Title