Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
Library,Documentation and Information Science Division

“A research journal serves that narrow

borderland which separates the known from the unknown”


The third bank of the river,

xiv, 238 p. 22 cm. Translation of Primeiras estórias. Content notes : The thin edge of happiness.--Tantarum, my boss.--Substance.--Much ado.--A woman of good works.--The aldacious navigator.--Honeymoons.--A young man, gleaming, white.--The horse that drank beer.--Nothingness and the human.--Condition.--The mirror.--Cause and effect.--My friend and the fatalist.--No man, no woman.--Hocus psychocus.--The third bank of the river.--The Dagobé brothers.--The girl from beyond.--Sorôco, his mother, his daughter.--Notorious.--Treetops.

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