Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)Library,Documentation and Information Science Division
“A research journal serves that narrow
borderland which separates the known from the unknown”
294.5/4 Anirbana,, 1896-1978. To live within. [Compiled by] Lizelle Reymond. Foreword by Jacob Neddleman. Translated from the French by Nancy Pearson and Stanley Spiegelberg. - [1st ed.]. - Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1971. x, 245 p. illus., port. 22 cm. Translation of La vie dans la vie. Content notes : Life in a Himalayan hermitage, by L. Reymond.--Talks on sâmkhya, by Shrî Anirvân.--The Bâüls of Bengal, by Shrî Anirvân.--Mystic songs. * Anirbana,, 1896-1978. Reymond, Lizelle. * Sankhya. Spiritual life. * Reymond, Lizelle, * Title