Wilson, John Richard,
Twentieth century interpretations of Euripides' Alcestis; a collection of critical essays. Edited by John R. Wilson. -
Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1968]
iv, 122 p. 21 cm.
- (A Spectrum book. )
Content notes : The myth and its adaptation / D.J. Conacher -- Greek tragicomedy / Hazel E. Barnes -- "Conversion" in Eurpidies / William Arrowsmith -- The ironic structure in Alcestis / Wesley D. Smith -- Euripides' Alcestis / D.M. Jones -- The chorus and Admetus / Thomas G. Rosenmeyer -- Heracles and Pheres / Thomas G. Rosenmeyer -- The happy ending of Alcestis / Kurt von Fritz -- The mute Alcestis / Erna P. Trammell -- Alcestic and The cocktail party / Robert B. Heilman -- The turbulence of Euripidean tragedy -- An inverted tragedy / Richmond Lattimore -- The importance of Admetus / Ivan M. Linforth -- Rhetoric and characterization / A.M. Dale -- The rose of the house / Hans Diller -- Hospitality (Xenia) / Richmond Lattimore -- A convention of Greek tragedy / Thomas G. Rosenmeyer -- The Agon / William Arrowsmith -- On beating death / Robert B. Heilman -- Charis (Grace) in Eliot and Euripides / Kenneth J. Reckford.
* Euripides. Euripide. Euripides
* Alcestis (Greek mythology) in literature. Women and literature - Greece. Tragedy. Alcestis (Euripides)
* Series